Helm Travel

This web page contains details of Helm Organised trips and adventures. There maybe more than one so scroll down to the bottom if you can't find what you're looking for.


Coach Travel to Lad's Leap Champs race

Crowden - Saturday April 6th (Helm Hill Runners and Supporters all welcome)

Cost £10 - you can pay online at sort code 40-26-02 ACC 31388010 Please include your surname and initial as a reference 

Book your place on the coach by clicking on the link below and adding your name to the list (runners and supporters both welcome)


The coach will leave Kendal Leisure centre at 7.30am sharp....returning to Kendal around 4.30pm

Places are likely to be in demand so if your plans change please delete your name from the list.

Any questions contact me on 07774970663

Cheers, Tim M