Training takes place on Monday (6.30) and Wednesday (6.30). If you wish to join or try these groups out, it’s best to just turn up on a Wednesday when we all meet together and there will be lots of friendly people happy to help point you in the right direction!
Juniors should initially contact the junior coordinator via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and/or complete this form. Minimum age to attend is 8 years old.
For seniors we have a 4 colour guide to help new members decide were they may fit - it is a rough guide only. On Wednesdays all groups tend to meet in the same place so trying different groups is easy. Other longer continuous sessions runners are advised to choose the right colour! The Wednesday is interval sessions but see the Calendar which has social runs, races, and longer runs on the fells.
Sub 40mins 10k | 40-45min 10k | 44-49min 10k | Over 49 min 10k |
To join (which is a bargain) via the membership tab.
We also have a lot of club news and information via our members Facebook page (please note if you send a request to join, mention it to Ali Richards at training - or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as we get a huge amount of spam requests and we need to know who is real!
Once you have tried a couple of sessions you can also sign up here and you will be added to the appropriate WhatsApp group for details of the up and coming sessions.
If you are seeking more information on the club, what we get up to a good source of information is past and current newsletters.
Wednesday nights
All the sessions for the groups both junior and senior start at 6:30 with a ‘shout out’ of club announcements and finish by 7:45. Currently we have 9 junior groups, and 4 senior groups: Green Blue, Red and Black. Groups normally have a warm up run of 1-2 miles, some interval work, and a 1-2 mile warm down.
Runners should wear appropriate clothing and footwear (fell/road shoes depending if on/off road) for the weather and conditions and in winter this includes high viz and a head torch. Also carrying the FRA minimum kit (waterproof cover, hat and gloves) is strongly advised in case of any unexpected bumps or falls.
Winter (Oct to Mar) meeting location is on the canal path behind the leisure centre. 'What three words' location: ///
Summer (Apr to Sep) meeting location is on the Helm just up from the Station Inn pub. 'What three words' location: ///pushes.slope.acute
Please please please liftshare, cycle, walk, run or catch the train(!) to training if you can….it’s good for you, the environment and our neighbours!!
Monday nights (Led 'social' sessions/runs)
Currently we have 2 sessions. A track session based at Kirkbie Kendal/Kendal Green school starting at 6.30, and a steady run (about 10K) beginning from the canal path behind the Leisure Centre at 6.30.
Racing and Recces
For many members two nights training is not enough and we are often found on the fells at the weekends and other days and nights during the week. Information on what's coming up can usually be found on our Facebook page, and the calendar.